On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 05:12:47PM -0500, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> > apt-file search usr/lib/firefox/extensions/ | cut -d: -f1 | grep -v 
> > firefox-locale- | sort | uniq | while read package; do apt-file list 
> > $package | grep -q 'usr/lib/iceweasel/extensions/' || echo $package; done
> firefox-greasemonkey
> mozilla-bookmarksftp
> mozilla-imagezoom
> So it seems to be just my packages and firefox-greasemonkey ;-)
> and no mass bug reports ;-) just 1.

Eric mailed a bunch of us about this on 21 November; you were CCed on
all three @packages.debian.org addresses. Message-ID:

> Also the question is: should both links (under firefox and iceweasel)
> provided or just under iceweasel???
> most of the packages seems to don't provide both (ie they provide only
> iceweasel link)
> $>  apt-file search usr/lib/iceweasel/extensions/ | cut -d: -f1 | grep -v 
> iceweasel-l10n | sort | uniq | while read package; do apt-file list $package 
> | grep -q 'usr/lib/firefox/extensions/' || echo $package; done
> iceweasel-locale-uk
> iceweasel-webdeveloper
> mozilla-ctxextensions
> mozilla-diggler
> mozilla-livehttpheaders
> mozilla-mozgest
> mozilla-stumbleupon
> mozilla-tabextensions
> mozilla-venkman
> and here are the ones which provide both:
> > apt-file search usr/lib/firefox/extensions/ | cut -d: -f1 | grep -v
> > firefox-locale- | sort | uniq | while read package; do apt-file list
> > $package | grep -q 'usr/lib/iceweasel/extensions/' && echo $package;
> > done
> firefox-sage
> mozilla-biofox
> mozilla-nukeimage
> would that be a wishlist bug for the sake of uniform distribution to
> remove that link?

Ubuntu still uses firefox, not iceweasel (let's not get into the
politics again!); I suppose this might be the case of other derivative
distributions too. It would save us a fair bit of effort and divergence
if packages could carry on providing both, and this is why I did that in


Colin Watson                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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