Andreas Barth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> * Simon Josefsson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061016 13:19]:
>> I went over many packages looking for names of likely non-free files,
>> and there may be false positives.  If this is the case for your
>> package, I'm sorry for the noise.
> Sorry, but that is unacceptable behaviour.

Do you have suggestions to improve the situation?

The false positives so far seem to be one file
(draft-morgan-ident-ext-04.txt) that contains two license statements
in the file, and one packages for which this was already fixed in

The first case is probably difficult to fully prevent, even manual
inspection might miss something like that.

The second problem seems to be generic.  The reason I looked at
packages in testing was that they are the packages that are going to
be released, and if I look at what's in unstable, it seems that I
might miss what's going to be in etch (e.g., e2fsprogs seems to be
frozen, and the version in unstable now doesn't seem to be going into

Should I look at packages in unstable, and only if the package is
frozen, look at the one in testing, instead?

I've described how my scripts work in more detail on:
Any comment or improvements to them would be appreciated.


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