Am Donnerstag 12 Oktober 2006 00:06 schrieb Luca Capello:
> As the maintainer agrees, we should ask for remotion of obexserver

The bug for removal is already filed: #392447

> (and successively libopenobex-1.0-0, cc:ing its maintainer)

We'll see if it goes automatically. It should as the source package does not 
exist anymore.

> While the latter has no opened bugs, the former has 4 bugs: how should we
> deal with them?  Just close them with remotion of the package?

All should be solved with the replacement:
#300908, #278609: I don't see why it shouldn't just work
#294108, #230988: not an issue with the replacement

> Another question: is it worth to remove the package from etch, too?

AFAIK, etch will follow sid automatically.


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