There is so much to say about that, that I hardly
can remember the very concrete cases, so please don't attack me on that
I wasn't attacking you, If you had that impression I'm sorry.
No, I really hadn't. I mentioned that just preventively, not targeted at
You -because I feel it is quite common in wider audience to attack on
this basis.
1, Ubuntu places the care about the average-Joe-user at first place at
worst. Debian dosen't.
Yes, but Debian has a broader user-base, maybe that's an issue to resolve.
Sounds dangerously :-)
I think the issues you point out is the feeback what we need, and
discuss about them. I encourage you to also post to the mailing list.
I'm trying to figure out how we can "listen" more our users needs, and
then make decissions based on real information and not only what we
feel. I want to reach those average-joe users and get their feedback.
Yeah, that's not easy.
Howabout some form -user could be navigated to some basic webpage where
he could answer some simple questions? Not too many questions (optimally
5-8?), preferably pre-answered (by some selection box), of course with
possibility to add non-default answer for us to be able to extend the
possible answers cathegories..
If user wished to add more feedback, he could have an option, at the end
of the basic form, of some "more feedback, if U wish" extended form.
Sample questions: "What have been the most difficult part of
installation for You" (disk partitioning, language selection,...), "What
have caused it (unsufficient help, nonintuitive, too technical questions).
User should be asked, if he will participate on some short
"survey-after-week-of-using-Debian". If he agreed, he will be asked
automatically after week, by opening some simple and polite application
or applet on his desktop, about his impression of Debian. Again, what
pleases him now (amount of software, ease of setup, everything just
works, desktop design, etc...) and what he dislikes (cannot connect my
cellular phone, Infra not working, Xsane demands root privilegues but
complains if he is given them, etc)
These questions could be structured in the way, that user could pair
them. For example, he has a question. In left selection rollup-button he
could select WHAT and in second he could select WHY. Example:
What is the worst problem for You with Debian?
<left button options>
Internet applications
Instant messaging
<right button options>
Insufficient helper
Lack of applications
Lack of functionality
And so on. Is something like that being worked on?
As I look at this concept, I feel one half of problems should be
identified even in the very process of creating questions and possible
answers for the initial and after-week survey :-)
Well, I'm starting to like the idea so I try to open a new thread ;o)
Rudy, from Your next answers it seems that we understand each other.
God bless You, have a nice day
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