Joerg Schilling wrote:

> Nice to see that this video clip verifies my statements in case you
> carefully listen to Simon Phipps:

> -     Sun did not make the CDDL incompatible by intention to the GPL 

Are you talking about what he's saying at approx. minute 36?  That's the
closest thing I could find to what you're claiming he said, but he's
talking there about why they didn't release OpenSolaris under the GPL.
He's not saying anything about whether or not the CDDL is incompatible
with the GPL.

> -     The only thing that prevents Linux to use the DTrace code in
>       Linux is the different threading model

Actually, what he's saying is that the different threading model
prevents you from cut-and-pasting code.  He's saying that in order to
port DTrace to Linux, due to the different architecture, you would have
to basically rewrite it, and so the CDDL would not cause any problems in
that case, since you are rewriting, and would not be creating a
derivative work.

What he's saying is that the technical problems are bigger than the
legal problems, and that the most sane way to get around the technical
problems are to do so in such a way that the legal problems no longer
apply.  He is not saying that there are no legal issues.

> -     Eben Moglen tells you that what I do in cdrtools is OK:
>       "They" the FSF and Moglen have only be in fear that people
>       could interpret the GPL in a wrong way and for this reason
>       added the OS exception, but the GPL does allow to link a
>       GPLd project against libraries under other licenses.

He's specifically talking about the so-called "operating system
exception" in the GPL v2, and what the GPL v3 refers to as "System
Libraries".  He's not talking about any random library.

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