Frank Küster wrote:
> "Roberto C. Sanchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Not sure if I missed it, but you seem to claim a copyright but not give
>>an explicit license.  I imagine you meant to put it under GPL or a free
>>version of the GFDL.  Could you please clarify and also add it to the
> I couldn't care less whether this thing has a license or not, but if it
> gets one, I'm sure Manoj will *not* choose any variant of the GNU "Free"
> Documentation License.  And nobody should do that, or encourage people
> to use this flawed license.  Note that we have voted by a GR that the
> GFDL is acceptable under certain conditions - but not that it is a good
> license.  It isn't.
> Regards, Frank

Thanks for the clarification.  I was unaware of that.  I just wanted to
make certain that there were not any questions about it (the ability to
derive from/modify Manoj's work).


Roberto C. Sanchez

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