Junichi Uekawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Your bug is meant to be already fixed (#355252), but I see there are
> some deviations between Debian and Ubuntu (which you seem to
> maintain), I'm suspecting there might be problems with Debian code
> which is only updated about 3 months ago.

Ok, that's a possibility - there were a few patches, and we may have 
ended up applying slightly different ones.

> I thought EFI should work with FAT (I was surprised to see blessing
> can be applied to HFS+ also), which is the first partition on the
> internal disk.

There's two different mechanisms of booting a file under the Mac EFI - 
you can either put the filename in nvram, or you can bless a file. I 
believe that the blessing can only be done on HFS+ filesystems.

> I'm hoping that I can switch default boot through some kind of nvram
> setting.

You can, but you can't get into the firmware interface without having 
blessed a file first. Which needs MacOS right now.

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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