also sprach martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006.06.28.1927 +0200]:
> Thank $DEITY for testers. We discovered another issue when root is
> on LVM is on RAID. If that's your setup, please hold off on using
> mdadm 2.5 until I managed to fix #375879. Sorry for the
> inconvenience, and again, thanks to Alec Berryman for his help. He
> also spotted the last issue.

This issue is fixed in 2.5.2-2. While it's waiting for the mirror
pulse, you can get it from

 mdadm (2.5.2-2) experimental; urgency=low
   * The "if it weren't for Munich's wheat beer, there'd be no" release.
   * Removed -fno-strict-aliasing from compiler options, after upstream fixed
     the bug that led to its use (see #369779, #356153). Thanks to Elimar
     Riesebieter for pointing this out (closes: #375876).
   * Moved detection of RAID devices from initramfs hook to debconf control
     file, and added a (low-priority) debconf question as to which devices
     should be started early in the boot sequence. For the cases where we
     failed to auto-detect previously (e.g. root on LVM on RAID), it's paranoid
     and suggests to start them all (closes: #375879). Thanks to Alec Berryman
     for spotting this.
   * Fixed a typo in README.experimental, which could lead to an unbootable
     system with initramfs-tools 0.64 or before. Again, thanks to Alec for
     spotting this.
   * Extended bug script to include --examine output for all components (at
     least if called by root, which hopefully should never happen. Err,
   * Reworded the debconf templates due to a new question, and also for
   * Disabled deprecation warning in mdrun until the transition is complete.

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author:
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
"zwei monologe, die sich gegenseitig
 immer und immer wieder störend unterbrechen,
 nennt man eine diskussion."
                                                    -- charles tschopp

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