On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 21:30:45 +0100
Steve McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yet I've got several machines with limited disk space where I really
> *do* care if things are compressed. After all, disk space is *always*
> used up when it's in use and CPU is only used on the odd occasion when
> you actually decompress the files in question. The laptop where I'm
> typing this right now is my main Debian devel machine these days, as
> well as the machine I carry around with music etc. on it. The less I
> use up space on the -doc packages I have installed, the more
> music/data files I have space for on the disk...

1. On your limited HD machines how many -doc packages have you
installed that you really need since you have a laptop?

2. If you prefer music over documentation, so what? Then I say that you
should bzip2 all your html and pdf files and unpack them when needed.
Then you'll get more mp3's on your computer too...

Please, stay on topic...

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