On Mon, Jun 26, 2006 at 09:59:36AM +0200, Frank Küster wrote:

> There was.  It ended with no conclusion.  Here's my view of the outcome,
> from pure recollection without looking anything up:
> - gzipping PDF files does save some space; bz2 compression would save
>   even more.  Naturally, compressing files that are internally
>   uncompressed gives better results.
> - among the people that maintain packages with lots of pdf.gz files, no
>   one seems really opposed to shipping them uncompressed.  But also
>   nobody seemd to be willing to do the first step, especially since
>   there is no consensus about not compressing them.
> So far for the past;  at the moment I think that it would be a good
> compromise to not compress PDF files in dedicated -doc packages, while
> keeping them compressed in mixed packages.  This would mean that we
> should *not* wait for debhelper to switch, but instead add -X.pdf to
> dh_compress in tetex-doc.  But this is just my personal opinion, and not
> a very fixed one - it still has to be discussed among the Debian TeX
> Task Force


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