El dom, 25-06-2006 a las 19:10 +0200, Knut Yrvin escribió:
> First of all I'm sorry to cross-post this request. But I need urgent
> reply to know if somebody wants to team up in a project making Debian
> ready for the One Laptop per Child hardware. If there is somebody
> interested applying for OLPC developer board to make things work,
> please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> My project proposal:
> After a tip from Walter Bender at MIT, I was subscribing to the
> devel-boards list for the One Laptop per Child project. Walter is
> president, software and content, of the One Laptop per Child
> foundation. 
> My subscription was forwarded to the list moderator for approval. Then
> i got a nice e-mail from Jim Gettys.  He wrote that if my interest in
> the list is to get a developer's board, then please follow the
> following instructions (look at the bootom):
>  http://wiki.laptop.org/index.php/Developers_Program
> This will result in a developer's board if the request is at all
> reasonable, and you will be added to the mailing list (which is meant
> to be low volume announcements for people with boards).
> I wrote some suggestions for a plan to get the OLPC-machine up running
> April 5th 2006:
>  http://lists.debian.org/debian-edu/2006/04/msg00016.html
> So people, I could apply for boards to realize this plan. (The plan is
> not at all finale, but a suggestion): 
> 1. To make the Debian installer work with OLPC-machines
> 2. To make bare bone Debian run with network connectivety in a mesh 
>    network (IPv6)
> 3. Make the power management work
> 4. To make X and a window manager with simplified debloated desktop
> But with no developers interested doing the development, I see no
> reason for applying for boards. So it depends on what the Debian Edu
> and Debian contributers are interested in.
> It's a considerable job tailoring the different subsystem in Debian to 
> OLPC hardware. The installer has to be tailored, the network mesh net 
> support has to work, simplified debloated desktop has to be configured, 
> and the power management has to work. 
> We have done interesting things with Custom Debian Distributions and 
> Debian Installer in the Skolelinux / Debian Edu environment before. It 
> seems to me that more people have joined the Skolelinux / Debian Edu 
> project. I believe the One Laptop per Child is important for Debian, 
> and we should do this development.
> - What do you think about this suggestions?
> - Who are interested to develop tailored Debian Edu for
>   OLPC-machines?

Hi, Knut
At LinEx we have interest in this project, next Friday I'll have a
meeting with Jim Getty and will get more information to know if it makes
sense for us to work on it. I think we could collaborate in points 1 &
4, as we have experience in working with installers, and we have begun
the project Futura[1][2] thinking in the obsolescence of the computers
we have at our schools. Even if our hardware requirements are still far
from the OLPC machines, I think the same developments could apply pretty

José L. Redrejo

[1] http://guadec.org/node/420 
[2] http://forjamari.linex.org/docman/view.php/54/37/futura.pdf

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