* Thomas Bushnell BSG | If the GPL'd source is useful with various equivalent libraries, some | GPL-incompatible, some not, then the shipper of the GPL'd source is | not breaking any rules, because they are not necessarily intending to | combine their code with the incompatible code. | | If you are shipping *binaries* however, which declare shared library | dependencies on the GPL-incompatible library, then that excuse | vanishes.
So if you have: Package: foo Depends libfoo, libc6 Package: libfoo Depends: libbar | libbar-ssl, libc6 Package: libbar Depends: libc6 Package: libbar-ssl Depends: libc6, libssl (Assume that foo, libfoo and libbar are all licenced under the GPL, libbar with a licence exception allowing it to be linked to openssl. Also assume that libbar and libbar-ssl are ABI-compatible.) Is this allowed? If not, why not? Would it be allowed if the package stanza for libfoo read: Package: libfoo Depends: libbar-ssl | libbar, libc6 ? -- Tollef Fog Heen ,''`. UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are : :' : `. `' `- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]