On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 03:09:04PM +0200, Filippo Giunchedi wrote:
> On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 08:00:23PM +0200, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña 
> wrote:
> > FWIW, I noted down those keys I would *not* sign and didn't tell the people
> > at the KSP that I would not sign them. I guess his experiment "only one in
> > ten said that they would *not* sign it" is moot unless he backs it up with
> > the signatures he eventually got sent from those he showed a wrong ID to.
> Don't you think this is at least don't fair to people attending KSP? Not
> even explaining them why they won't receive your signature (which is the
> whole point of KSP). Something like "I'm sorry but this is unacceptable to
> me (because of this and that)" would be okay to educate people showing
> correct IDs.

That's a good point and I will try to send those people and e-mail explaining
why I didn't sign them. I, at least, don't only make the decission on signing
or not in the KSP but also based on the experience throughout the Debconf
(I might have different protocols for those that I have actually *met* in
order to sign their keys). That's why I would not tell those at the KSP, but
I might do it afterwards.



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