"curt manucredo (hansycm)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> II.B. on the upload and storage side
> ------------------------------------
> the upload process may need some more changes though (e.g.: for 
> automation). if this ever comes true, there will have to be a period of 
> time where both, the old way and this way have to work, of course.

Nope. You will need to keep all normal debs anyway, for new
Now the interesting questions: How many diffs do you keep? How do you
integrate this approach with the minimal security Release files give us
today? What about the kind of signatures dpkg-sig provides?

Anyway, this was proposed some times now. Have you actually read the old
threads and can explain why your proposal is better and actually works?
Why haven't you implemented it yet?

Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt (176: NT-Consulter)
       italienische Ledertreter, Achselschweiß. Erklärt Probleme dadurch, daß
       man nicht die richtigen Kurse in Unterschleißheim belegt hat und sich
       dies sofort rächt. (Anders Henke)

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