On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 09:50:51AM -0400, Kevin B. McCarty wrote:
> >   If Sun becomes aware of a compatibility problem with the JDK
> >   software on your OS distribution and notifies you about it, then you
> >   must fix the problem and offer a patch or new version to your
> >   downstream users and distributors, or stop distributing the software
> >   within 90 days of being notified. 
> Is this a burden that FTP-masters are willing and able to take on?  Or
> is the probability of this happening judged to be low enough that we
> aren't worried about it?

90 days is three months, which is about the timeline that seems sensible to
maintain for point releases anyway (ie, two to three months), so this seems
pretty achievable, even if it were likely.


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