On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 07:31:56PM -0500, Matthew R. Dempsky wrote:

> > On an otherwise idle box even a process (re-)niced to 19 uses all the
> > CPU. That might be desirable often but in other cases (e.g. when
> > CPU temperature is an issue) you might still want to say "assign this
> > process only xy% of CPU resources".
> Linux's ``conservative'' scaling governor ignores nice'd processes for 
> calculating the desired CPU speed.  Do you have a case in mind where CPU 
> scaling is insufficient?

CPU scaling TTBOMK
* doesn't work for all CPUs;
* is more complex than a single binary;
* works on the CPU as a whole and not on single processes.

IMO tuning the frequency of the CPU is something different than
adjusting the CPU usage of a process.

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