On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 11:07:27AM -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
> I intend to take over the Bacula package.

Although hijacking generally feels mean I welcome your action here.

>  * Bacula has had RC bugs open for more than a year.  It was removed
>    from testing several months ago because of this.

I didn't even notice that. Bummer. Bacula has becoma a common backup
software and is IMHO likely to be equally famous and widely used as e.g.
Amanda. We should try hard to get it back into testing.

Another critical issue: the bacula-directory-mysql package in Sarge is
still unusable without manually patching it after the installation. I had
expected that this is worth an update even in Sarge.

> I have already prepared an NMU that fixes 22 bugs, including all four RC
> bugs.  I have tagged those bugs as pending.  This release is currently
> sitting in NEW.  I also prepared subsequent NMUs that fix critical, but
> unreported, bugs in the Debian Bacula packages.

Very good. Thanks for your effort. I'm looking forward to see your package
get through.

I definitely want to see more current and sane bacula packages in Debian as
I use it myself a lot. I second Gustavo's proposal to make it a team effort
in an alioth project. If you need a helping hand I'll happily join the
project and see what I can do. My environment is a lot smaller than yours
though - disk and tape (DDS-3) backup without an autochanger - MySQL
backend - 500,000 files.

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