On 3/22/06, Gabor Gombas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 11:29:01AM -0300, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> > FYI, GMemChunk (old and deprecated by the upstream) was reimplemented to
> > use GSlice, so no need to change or rebuild code to be affected due to buggy
> > code. I don't know exactly why asking GSlice to force allocate and free 
> > memory
> > through "standard malloc" solves the problem, maybe someone else can
> > clarify this point.
> Because those applications are abusing the API and make assumptions
> about how some pieces of memory were allocated. More specifically, they
> think that they can call g_free() (or equivalent) directly instead of
> the appropriate API function. With the introduction of GSlice that is no
> longer the case.

Sure Gabor, i was saying that i don't know what these assumptions are, and
the exact difference between use GSlice and force GSlice use malloc through
'G_SLICE=always-malloc', that is a (slow) workaround.

-- stratus

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