#include <hallo.h>
* Bastian Blank [Thu, Mar 16 2006, 07:19:22PM]:
> On Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 03:51:05PM +0100, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> > WTF has this to do with Sven now?
> Maybe because Sven and I worked on a solution for this problem.


> >                              However, I have been told that it is no
> > longer allowed to upload binary packages that do not appear in control
> > files of the source package that are claimed to be the source of the
> > uploaded binary package.
> It was never allowed.

I am sure it was (a while ago) but since snapshot.debian.net is busted
is is hard to proove that.

> > a way to tell FTP management: packages of that kind are okay and they
> > shall be removed when the following package disappears: ...  Maybe a new
> > field? Eg.
> > 
> > GenPkgBaseName: unionfs-module-
> How should that work? It needs the information which packages are built
> and which are not. Which this proposal you will end with many
> not-longer-built packages.

This is the other side of the medal, yes. I cannot see any other
efficient ways now, I guess you do but you don't care to tell.

> > Having the meaning: packages matching /^unionfs-module-(.*)/ and declaring 
> > the
> > mentioned source package as source are installed automaticaly, and are
> > removed automaticaly from the archive when the package linux-image-$1
> > is removed.
> Forget it. The archive only have equal matches.
> > Any better ideas?
> Yes, let us finish our work.
> Bastian

Is that's all? No shit, I miss "STFU and let us alone in our sandbox"
for the perfect satisfaction. :-(


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