On Fri, Mar 10, 2006 at 03:27:23PM +0100, Mark Walter wrote:
> Hi all,

> I want to step in to be a debian developer.

That's rather question for debian-mentors mailing list.
> While processing the new maintainer's guide I need to cross checked
> boxes to apply. 
> Two of them are not true for me at all and I can't apply as a developer :-(
> Here are the two point's:
> ***
> If you intend to package software, do you have a Debian package in the
> archive through a sponsor? And if you intend to do other things (e.g.
> port Debian to other architectures, help with documentation, Quality
> Assurance or Security), do you have experience in those things and have
> already participated in such activities for Debian?
> ***
> Has an existing Debian developer agreed to be an advocate and verify
> your application
> Here is my question:
> Can anybody help to me to satisfy the demand for the two point's as I'am
> interested to be a debian developer ?
> What can I do to arrive the point's mentioned above ?

Point 1.

Find some useful software that isn't already packaged for Debian and
package it. Or adopt some unmaintain one.

You can take a look at http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/ for that.

Then ask on debian-mentors mailing list for upload of it to the archive.

Point 2.

Assuming you'll be doing your job well maybe your sponsor will agree to be
your advocate.


  ,''`.  Bartosz Fenski | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | pgp:0x13fefc40 | irc:fEnIo
 : :' :       32-050 Skawina - Glowackiego 3/15 - w. malopolskie - Poland
 `. `'           phone:+48602383548 | proud Debian maintainer and user
   `-          http://skawina.eu.org | jid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | rlu:172001

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