On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 08:34:22AM +0000, Ross Burton wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 02:45 -0500, Kevin Mark wrote:
> > would it provide any automation or easier processing for the NEW
> > queue(ftpmasters)? 
> I'd assume part of the FTP masters checking is actually verifying the
> license specified in debian/copyright is the license actually used by
> the source, and that there are no other licenses.  This wouldn't change
> that.
> > would it allow for reducing package size by removing
> > license text from all packages and having them installed in a seperate
> > essential package stored in a canonical location
> > (/usr/share/doc/dfsg-license-texts/) (dfsg-license-texts.deb) and have a
> > file-license.txt to list which files are licensed under which license?
> We already have this, debian/copyright generally only contains a
> paragraph or so of common licenses, and then points to the complete
> license in /usr/share/common-licenses/.
Hi Ross,
after enough subliminal hinting, I re-examined this [0], I came to the
conclusion, that my intension of finding a labour-saving idea would in
all likelyhood not save any labour as there are n tests and 1 more test
is not going to impact the time or effort required to process a NEW
queue entry.
I guess some things are bound to resist optimization ?!
[0] http://ftp-master.debian.org/REJECT-FAQ.html
ps. did you once wear an orange jumpsuit x-)
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