On Sat, Feb 18, 2006 at 12:13:04AM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Xavier Roche dijo [Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 10:55:57AM +0100]:
> > > > Fonts or documentations are not softwares, for god's sake!
> > > everything that is not hardware is software
> > 
> > So a cat is a software, or a hardware ? Do I have to provide the sources
> > (the DNA full sequence) if I want to give a kitten to someone, following
> > the "free" spirit ? :p
> A cat is not licensed under a viral license ;-) And, more important,
> is not covered by copyright law (at least, I have not heard of a
> breeder copyrighting the colors and/or design in the back of his
> carefully-bred kittens)
Hi Gunnar,
Monsanto has copyrighted GM rice. And as of late, a company has been
selling a allergy-free cat which I'm sure they have either a patent
and/or a copyright. IP seem to be including more and more of the world
we live in and is consuming the past and possibly the future.
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