Hello, teTeX contains a couple of documentation files that are definitely non-free (#345604) and need to be removed, but there are others that can be "made free"[1].
In other words, either they are licensed under a DFSG-compliant license, but the source is missing, or we manage to convince the authors to relicense them (and get the sources). I'm wondering what the correct way would be to make the source available. There are a couple of options: 1. Simply include a README file that tells users where the source for each document can be retrieved. 2. Collect all missing sources and release them as a separate source package, and informing about this in the original package. 3. Collect all missing sources and include them in the original source package. Naturally, 1 is less work for the teTeX maintainers than 2 and 3; the advantage of 2 over 3 is that the diff.gz is not bloated by adding text that is not in fact Debian-specific (but that's only a minor point, since we can collect everything in one directory). What do you think - would option 1 be acceptable? And a related question: I understood that there's no need to recreate documentation files that are included in the orig.tar.gz from their sources, it's enough that the sources are present. But now when the sources were not present in the beginning and we only add them, - Do we have to verify that the source actually can be "compiled" to a document? (I guess yes) - Do we have to verify that the generated document and the included document actually match? That would be hard manual work, at least in the case of LaTeX-generated files as most of ours are. In case that you think one of the questions, or your answer, is more appropriate to -legal, feel free to move there; but I think that these are in fact rather technical issues. TIA, Frank [1] note that we produce the tetex-doc binary package with Installed-Size: 64784 so this is not just one or two files... -- Frank Küster Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich Debian Developer (teTeX)