On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 09:41:55PM -0500, Kevin Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Josselin,
> I have read many descriptions that made no sense to me and it was
> mentioned that you either know what the jargon/terms are because they
> are in your area of expertise or else if you dont know the terms/jargon,
> you probably wouldn't be interested in the package. So I guess either
> you know what last.fm is, or you don't. If you don't, no one seem to want
> to explain it to you. This is but one example from many in the archive.
> Should I file some kind of minor bug with a certain usertag for each of
> these and will it be labeled wontfix?

Actually, you may not know what last.fm is, and still get interested in
it if someone gives you an explanation of what it is...


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