On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 04:25:52PM +0100, Jérôme Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
was heard to say:
> Le vendredi 20 janvier 2006 à 14:17 +0000, Paul Brossier a écrit :
> > On Fri, Jan 20, 2006 at 04:09:28AM -0600, Peter Samuelson wrote:
> > > 
> > > [Jérôme Warnier]
> > > > Or even better: a list of all packages already installed on my system
> > > > which have an experimental version?
> > > 
> > > There might be a better way, but assuming you have experimental in your
> > > sources.list...
> > > 
> > 
> > aptitude search ~Aexperimental | grep ^i
> Right, and if the second character on the line is a B, that means this
> packages is already from experimental.
> So you could filter the ones you could still upgrade with:
> aptitude search ~Aexperimental | grep ^i|grep -v ^iB

  Err, the B means that the package is currently in a broken state.  That
might be strongly correlated with being experimental, but there's no
guarantee in either direction ;-).

  To get a list of currently installed experimental packages, install
aptitude >= 0.4.0 and do:

aptitude search '~S~i~Aexperimental'.


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