Heya Hamish,

On 1/14/06, Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On a related note, it seems to me that the existence of the "MOTU" team,
> as non-core Ubuntu developers who are also not Debian developers,
> encourages more packages to be forked. Those developers can't make
> direct Debian uploads even if they want to; at worst they have no interest
> in contributing to Debian at all.

Hmmm, I recall that I myself am a MOTU, and I for one have been
contributing to Debian (in a very miniscule way :/) well before I got
into Ubuntu.  I cannot speak for my fellow MOTUs, but indeed, I follow
the way of `motu proprio'[0] when it comes to contributing to Debian,
to Ubuntu, and to F/OSS in general, and I also observe that others in
this team feel more or less the same way.

[0]  `of one's own accord'

Zak B. Elep  ||  http://zakame.spunge.org
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