On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 01:07:37AM +0100, Miriam Ruiz wrote:

> We've been recently talking about creating a group to maintain games in Debian
> in a collaborative way. As a starting point, I've created a mailing list in

Oh this is cool!  I joined.

> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-games-devel
> Here are some points that might be addressed by this group if there is
> interested in it:
> - Open a way towards a larger involvement in Debian project to people
> maintaining just one or few games.

It can also be a nice entrance point into Debian and Debian maintainance
for people mainly interested in games.  Very cool!

> - Make it easier for users to know the games available in Debian, maybe with
> some game selector interface, a web page, screenshots or whatever.

One way of doing it is by maintaining the game::* tags in debtags, and
possibly crafting some ad-hoc graphical interface that data.

I'll be super happy to help!



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