On Sat, Jan 07, 2006 at 12:51:55AM +0100, Jiří Paleček wrote:
> On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 19:50:14 +0100, Linas Zvirblis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Jiri Palecek wrote:
> >>How does aptitude decide which one to choose? Shouldn't it
> >>prefer to do something that won't break other packages? Or should
> >>it ask the user for help?
> >As for your problem, you must provide way more information than just "it 
> >does 
> >not work" in order to get help. There are at least five different versions 
> >of 
> >aptitude you could be using on whatever version of Debian you use. Most of 
> >us 
> >cannot read minds, especially over the Internet.
> If you had read (at least the written protion of) my mind more carefully,
> you would realize that I have never said "it does not work". I thought it
> more as a feature request (or idea) than bug report. I was asking about
> how is aptitude supposed to solve such situations, beacuse it isn't clear
> if it really should try to guess the correct packages to install.

The aptitude in unstable and testing has a feature that lists suggested
ways to fix broken packages.

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