Nathan Poznick wrote:

> Thus spake Roger Leigh:
>> What is the problem this is trying to solve?
>> If the partition table is being changed, the tool that changed it
>> should issue a BLKRRPART ioctl, like fdisk does for example (see
>> <linux/fs.h>).
> I have a USB card reader which has 5 different slots for various media.
> If I plug in the card reader and then later insert a CF card, the CF
> card slot's device does not have the partition device created when using
> udev (I have to insert the CF card and then plug in the card reader).  I
> believe this software is created specifically for that purpose - for
> card readers which do not report card insertion / removal to the kernel.

Yes, there are such devices that do no report media changes. However, this 
depends on the device and might be an insufficient support by the usb-storage 
module or a broken card reader device. My one does report the change when I 
pull out the MMC and put it back in. And yes, I use udev (with hal and 
KDE-3.4) and I just tested it.
What model and vendor is this card reader? What chipset does it use? Maybe it 
reports media changes in a way that the usb-storage module does not 
understand, yet...


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