Lars Wirzenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ke, 2005-12-28 kello 13:48 +0100, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt kirjoitti:
>> Lars Wirzenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> ke, 2005-12-28 kello 10:59 +0100, Florian Ludwig kirjoitti:
>>>> There are some other packets with the same 'bug' - so i can fill a 
>>>> wishlist report?
>>> Since it is not really a bug, I'd rather you didn't file bugs about it.
>>> The constructive thing would be to write a new test for lintian and/or
>>> linda so that they warn about it. 
>> I would not want lintian to warn about this issue, it's simply not a
>> problem.
> I would, because I would want to fix it if it happened to my package.
> Possibly a warning is too strong, Perhaps it could be disabled by
> default, or something.

Well, there's always the "info" priority for such warnings. Anyway,
adding such a check to checks/fields should be fairly easy.

BOFH #132:
SCSI Chain overterminated

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