On Friday 23 December 2005 10:48, Gabor Gombas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 05:09:02PM +1100, Russell Coker wrote:
> > 368K is an issue on a machine with 8M of RAM, it's an annoyance if you
> > have 16M, beyond about 32M it stops being a problem.
> Yeah, and a new optimization step only takes a few thenth of a second and
> only a few extra KB of memory, so why not add it. And then everyone
> complains that newer gcc versions are far slower than 2.95 was, and some
> people can no more build complex applications due to the extra memory
> requirements. It was just 0.1% bloat every time...

If the changes make things better for people who have machines that are <5 
years old then making them slightly worse for people with ancient hardware is 
not a big deal IMHO.

Regarding building complex applications, there are lots of decently powerful 
machines on the net that you can use for such things.  I've got a machine 
with 2*P3-1GHz CPUs, 2*18G 10,000rpm U160 SCSI disks (and a couple more disks 
available without cables), and a gig of RAM (might be able to find a second 
gig) that I want to donate for such use.  All I need is a place to host it in 
Melbourne (or someone who wants to pay postage to somewhere else that it can 
be hosted).  It needs an ATX 2.0 PSU, but I'm sure I'll find someone willing 
to donate that.  Incidentally it's the most powerful machine I've ever owned 
and it's significantly faster in every way than the machines I use for my 
regular work.  If it wasn't unreasonably noisy I'd run it at home.

The machine is aimed to be used as part of the nipl.net project (see 
http://www.nipl.net for details).  There is an admin team ready to run it and 
they want to use Debian.

> > Incidentally if 368K of memory is a problem for you then you should
> > probably stop using Ext3.  Ext2 uses less RAM (and that's RAM for
> > non-pagable data).
> I hope you've already packed the UPS you're sending me. Once I receive
> it, I'll gladly convert my ext3 filesystems to ext2. Until then please
> do not compare apples to oranges.

If you are concerned about what happens when a machine crashes then you should 
want to have the commonly written transient files on a tmpfs.  Having a quiet 
file system is the best way of surviving a sudden power failure.  Note that 
there are many hardware issues related to power failure that ext3 can't fix.  
Data journalling can help but not many people use that feature.

http://www.coker.com.au/selinux/   My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages
http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/  Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark
http://www.coker.com.au/postal/    Postal SMTP/POP benchmark
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