On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 02:19:36PM +0100, Daniel Schepler wrote:
> Le Mardi 20 Décembre 2005 14:10, Marco d'Itri a écrit :
> > On Dec 20, Daniel Schepler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > This is due to changes in make 3.80+3.81.b3-1 concerning how the lines
> > > are passed to the shell.  Previously, they would be concatenated; now
> > > they are passed verbatim to the shell, backslashes and newlines included
> > > (minus the first tab on each line).
> > It breaks a widely used feature. Why should this change not be
> > considered a make bug?
> In make's NEWS.Debian.gz it says this change was for POSIX compliance.

SUSv3 (at http://www.unix.org/single_unix_specification/) says:

] To receive exactly the behavior described in this section, the user
] shall ensure that a portable makefile shall:
]    * Include the special target .POSIX
]    * Omit any special target reserved for implementations (a leading
]      period followed by uppercase letters) that has not been specified
]      by this section
] The behavior of make is unspecified if either or both of these
] conditions are not met.

So the old behaviour's POSIX compatible as long as the Makefile doesn't
specify the .POSIX target.


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