Hi teRHe!

One of my dreams for the last 4 years has been to help the Bangladesh IT
industry expand and be enhanced by IT workers having the opportunity to
join us, and also to enhance Bangla language support in Linux.

I GPG signed and identified 4 people by their passports and other
official ID, on the chance that they may want to become maintainers.

Two have decided to go ahead, and I mention them here.  It would be good
if some Mentors got in touch with them.

They are:

Salahuddin Pasha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I believe that Salahuddin is an active participant in the Bangla
localisation effort for OpenOffice.org (or is it Jamil - please correct
me?)  I believe they are both already quite active on some Debian
mailing lists.

Thank you for helping them.  I am looking forward to the Debian
Community embracing them and encouragin them with open arms.  It is good
to see another corner of the map soon to have a red dot on it!


Matthew Grant

Matthew Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Matthew's UNIX Box

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