On Sat, Sep 03, 2005 at 01:08:00PM +0200, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
> Based on the text on the w.d.o frontpage it seems that Michael Ivey
> has provided the tar.gz with all the w.d.n contents.

I would like to make a desperate plee that some attempt is made to
incorporate a clear indication of the licence under which material on
this wiki is available under, either with a user-readable prompt or
machine-readable metadata (ideally both).

This is something you really can't retrofit onto a wiki once significant
contributions are made.

The information in the wiki could be really, really useful for spin-off
documents and could incorporate information from existing debian docs

I managed to hack mediawiki at <http://wiki.debianflame.org/> to use GPL
v2 metadata (via the creative commons, strangely enough). I'm sure that
something similar must be possible with moin moin and I'm willing to
invest time to find out but I'd need to know people were interested and
supportive :)

Jon Dowland

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