Hi I checked your site out, thought it was great and would love to trade links you!
You've got some great content related to the checks resource I've just created. In fact, I liked your site so much, I went ahead and added you here: http://www.checks-hq.com under http://www.checks-hq.com/checkpending I hope you'll be pleased to have the link to your site - i'm sure you know how essential links are for both direct traffic and better search engine ranking. I'd be very grateful if you would return the favor and link back to me. Perhaps we even look at doing more cross linking/promotion in the future and help each other out even more. Although the site has only just been completed, we are aggressively building links and expect our page rank to rise dramatically. Thanks... and do drop me an email if you'd like to chat more about this. Best regards, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] PS. I've created a list of all the sites I've visited but if you have received this email in error then please let me know and I will remove you from my list and apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.//