* Marco d'Itri ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Jun 15, Eric Dorland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > It's an important part in evaluating the balance between the priorities
> > > of our users and free software...
> > And where do we strike that balance in this case? I think gaining more
> > freedom for our users is the best thing in the long run. Sure, there
> > will be shorter term pain, but we need to take the long view. 
> I'm here to build the best free OS, not to collect the most liberal
> trademarks. If a trademark license allows us to ship the software the
> way we want and there are no practical problems in removing trademark
> references if it were ever needed then I think it's obvious that we
> would do a disservice to our users by removing from Debian such a widely
> know trademark without a good reason.

Well the whole issue is I don't believe we're allowed to ship the
software the way we want. We would be compromising our principles by
doing so. 
> There are good reasons for a trademark license to be restrictive and I
> believe that the MF made a good case about their one, so I do not think
> that it's important for users to have the permission to use it however
> they want. The code is still free no matter how it is branded so this
> is not an issue of software freedom, at best this is a marketing issue.

I never asked them to give users permission to use it however they
want. But their current permissions are too restrictive. 

Eric Dorland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: #61138586, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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