Graham C. Hughes wrote:
> > Amulet is a huge free C++ GUI toolkit. Please see
> > . It builds and runs out of the box on
> Debian.
> > Someone please volunteer to package it.
> There's a slight problem with that, BTW. From the Amulet
> documentation:
> Amulet is available for free by anonymous FTP or WWW. ... The only
> restriction is that the documentation for Amulet is copyrighted, so
> you cannot distribute the Amulet manual or papers without permission
> from CMU.

But this dosen't stop us from packaging the library itself, right?  So
we could provide shared library and development packages.  I'd
volunteer, but I'm currently swamped.

Worst case scenario, we can create a "amulet-doc-installer" package in
contrib, which grabs the non-distributable stuff itself.


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