* Tore Anderson 

| * Tollef Fog Heen
|  > No.  If you have exim4 installed and install mailman, it's a
|  > reasonable expectation that you want to use those two together.
|   But you cannot know if I have changed, added, or removed files under
|  conf.d/ in such a way which would make your drop-in routers and
|  transports break the entire configuration.  The files are after all
|  configuration the user is allowed to change as he pleases.

Yes, he might for instance remove the files added by mailman and add
his own.

|   Policy 10.7.3 says:
|     Configuration file handling must conform to the following behavior:
|     * local changes must be preserved during a package upgrade, [..]
|   Even though you're not strictly changing _a_ configuration file by
|  dropping files under conf.d, you're changing the configuration that
|  Exim ends up reading. 

Yes, and that's allowed.  That's half the point of conf.d, AIUI.


|  > It will be documented in NEWS.Debian ifwhen I get around to it.
|   As far as I know NEWS.Debian is only displayed on upgrades, so that
|  isn't sufficient.  That said, documenting that you're doing something
|  undesireable isn't really an excuse for doing it in the first place.

It's not undesireable -- it's very much desired.  It makes Mailman and
Exim operate better together out of the box.  Yes, it might break
custom configurations where the admin doesn't check his stuff
properly, but that's a fault of the admin, not the package.

|   Please consider putting the snippets somewhere else, like under
|  /etc/mailman/, and rather tell the user where to symlink them under
|  /etc/exim4/conf.d/.

The user can just remove them if he doesn't want them.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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