|| On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 09:00:37 +0100
|| Marc Haber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

mh> On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 23:16:31 +0100, Florian Weimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mh> wrote:
>> * Torsten Landschoff:
>>> Wanted to do that - but! Does svk handle symlinks? Thinking of
>>> /etc/rc?.d and /etc/alternatives... Wrote my own scripts to handle svn
>>> for /etc but they are still quite hackish...
>> Subversion 1.1 and svk 0.18 both support symlinks natively.

mh> Another topic that needs to be addressed with putting /etc under
mh> version control is file modes and owner/group. cvs doesn't handle that
mh> well at all.

mh> Also, the repository needs to be protected as /etc itself is, as it
mh> contains passwords and other system confidential data.

In case of use SVK to it you can change the  repository mask and the
checkout if you need. No problem. It won't be accessible by network so
it's mostly safe. Another possibility is use SVN server to host it and
only mirror it locally. In this case you need a more secure server but
this is also possible.

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