Lars Wirzenius wrote: > fileutils: calls msgfmt with wrong arguments
No, you have the wrong msgfmt. :) {file,shell,text}utils require the gettext package to be installed in order to build properly. This package contains xmsgfmt, which formats text versions of translation files into binary files. The autoconf script is finding (I believe) the msgfmt binary from xview-dev, which despite it's name has no connection to locale support. > g77: needs gcc source code to build There's really no way around this one, I'm afraid. Well, I could include the entire gcc code in the g77 package, but if you ask me to do that, I'll be morally obligated to strangle you. (Moving 8M through a 28.8k modem is No Fun.) --Galen -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .