Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bruce Perens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Install a bzImage kernel on the hard disk using LILO, and see if it will
> > boot. If it boots, it's only a problem with the floppy bootstrap. All of
> > our kernels are bzImage, so that should be easy to test.

> Tried it, and it hangs when booting bzImage from the hard drive too.

> -- 
> Rob

Well, i had trouble booting a toshiba tecra with bzImages except via
loadlin.  The solution was to use a simple zImage instead of the
bzImage.  Now, lilo, syslinux, etc all work.

Good Luck,

Graduate Student                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Chemistry                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Univ of Wisconsin-Madison               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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