[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Goswin Brederlow) wrote on 21.06.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> OK, it's unmounted then, but it should remount the drive if its > untouched > or ask if it should remount it. I'm not repartitioning the drive, but I > had > to change the types of the partitions, cause I can't do it easily from > AmigaOS (I dunno the hex for LNX\0). The partition holding root is > unchanged > so remounting it would be harmless. Of course, it can't know that. In general, the kernel cannot reread the partition table when it has mounted something from that drive, even read-only, so the only proper choice after changing the partition table is to reboot. You can re-mount the partition (mount -o remount,rw /), but the kernel will not know about any changes you made, which can be very dangerous. The boot disks should probably force a reboot at that point. > The reason why I did use a partition to hold root.bin was that I tried > to > install Debian with only 4 MB. With only 4 MB ram you don't have enough > space > the kernel and a ramdisk, so I used a spare partition for it. It works > fine, > except from the reboot I had to make to get root remounted again. The low memory boot disk probably does the same thing on the x86. MfG Kai -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .