Hi fellow testers, I've just uploaded diald to master, and I plan to have it in Debian 1.3.1: it fixes many many packaging bugs and some diald bugs too. It has also the neat feature of rewriting outbound packets' IP headers stored in its buffer with dynamically allocated IPs. Neat neat.
Can you please test it and report problems ? I'm especially interested in upgrades from old diald versions (these are the ones which were problematic). Vanilla rex upgrades should be tested (I've tested it here, but ...). As it might be stuck in master's incoming queue for a little while (because it mentions `stable'), you might want to get it from an alternate site (mine :-): ftp://ftp.fifi.org/pub/debian-local/diald/ Thanks, Phil. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .