I cannot agree more. We should definatly add these fields to the .deb package format! This will involve a bit of work, but will be VERY worth it. No more licensing surprises, for instance.
-Erik -- Erik B. Andersen Web: http://www.inconnect.com/~andersen/ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --This message was written using 73% post-consumer electrons-- > > > > > TOPIC 8: packages have to specify their source urls > > --------------------------------------------------- > > STATUS: DISCUSSION > > > > > In addition to what you propose below, I think that "dpkg -I" should be > concerned with some of that info. Specifically, three important fields are > missing: > > Author: name and email of main upstream author (copyright holder) > License: code describing license type > Original-Site: site/URL at which the package is originally stored > > > The "Author" field I think is important for giving due credit to whom > rightfully deserves it. Some novice Debian users might think that the > maintainer mentioned in "dpkg -I" is the author or the upstream maintainer. > That is convenient for having users contact the Debian maintainer instead > of bypassing them for the upstream author. However, I am convinced it is not > fair for the "real authors" to create this confusion. Once the package is > installed, users can check who the real author is, but they should be able > to know it from the beginning. > > The License field shoud be a code taken from a list like the following: > > GPL LGPL BSD Artistic: we know what they are > PD: public domain > > Freeware: free use and redistribution, according to Debian policy (this will > be used only for packages which do not follow any of the types given > above) > > Non-Free: does not comply with Debian definition of free software > > We could even go further and specify the type of non-free license. > Common types are: > > packages containing sources > --------------------------- > > Non-Commercial: free use and redistribution for non-commercial purposes > Academic: free use and redistribution for academic/research purposes > Non-Commercial-Academic: combination of previous types > Source-Shareware: redistribution allowed, but payment for use expected > Tidyware: free use, redistribution only in original form or if approved > by author > > packages without sources > ------------------------ > Crippleware: crippled functionality, fully functional version must be > purchased > Demoware: time-bombed fully functional program > Shareware: redistribution allowed, payment for use expected > Promotional: free use for only some people or for some time only, or due to > blatantly promotional reasons (like MSIE) > Shyware: free use and redistribution of binaries, sources not available > because author considers them still alpha. > > > I don't think there are many more types. The precise terms should be available > in the "copyright" file, but since most packages would fall in one of > the previous categories, it would be really useful to have that shown > in a concise way before installing a package. > > The "Original-Site" field could be optional, since it is not that necesary to > know it in normal cases. Of course, it should always be mentioned in > the "README.debian" file, as you propose. > > In summary, I think that at least the "Author" field should be added for > ethical reasons and it would be convenient to add the "License" field. > If you agree that this should be part of Debian policy then we should > have the "dpkg" authors implement it. > > > > > It has been proposed that all packages should include some information > > about where to get the upstream sources. Thus, I propose that we list > > all pieces of information we want to have included in the > > ``/usr/doc/*/README.debian'' files. > > > > If we have a consensus about this, we could include a ``good example'' > > for a ``/usr/doc/*/README.debian'' file. > > > > I propose that the following infos are listed in this file: > > > > - Name and email address of current Debian maintainer > > - specification about where to get the upstream sources > > - short description of all major changes to the program > > (for example, new command line options, changed locking > > mechanism, major bug fixes, etc.) > > - URL of ``official home page'' if there is one (optional) > > > > > -- > TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to > [EMAIL PROTECTED] . > Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . > -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .