Mark Eichin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > debian's Xfree86 3.2 packages were not built reentrant. I'm working > on the 3.3 libraries now, and once they're stable and working, I'll > be adding other support to them. (have you ever tried programming > with X and threads? you probably want to only use Display* per-thread > anyhow...)
Well, it's really nice if you have several data displays (graphs, progress meters, counters, etc) monitoring different sources of data generated by separate threads to be able to allow the threads to update their own displays when they're ready. You can do this if you use a big lock to keep multiple threads out of X at the same time. Everyone should be a little wary of the synchronization primitives in LinuxThreads. I believe I determined that semaphores (and condition variables) do not guarantee FIFO scheduling fairness (I guess I expected them to, even though the POSIX standard doesn't require it). I had to write C++ wrapper objects that use their own queues or I tended to get starvation in situations where I really didn't expect it. On the up side, not having these guarantees allows them to make the code more efficient. -- Rob -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .