Christian Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> I just had a look at an (old) index file of CPAN. The ".tar.gz" of the
> modules have better names for us, for example: "Date-GetDate-2.00.tar.gz".
> This could easily be converted to "lib-date-getdate-perl_2.00.deb".

Sounds good.


> Isn't CPAN split into "sections" (categories)? What about if we pack up
> all modules in a section into a .deb. This would get us (referring to my
> old index file):
>       lib-perl-core
>       lib-perl-development
>       lib-perl-os

I don't agree with this.  There are a *lot* of modules on CPAN.  Do we
have the entire CTAN in Debian?  (Apart from non-free stuff like

We should probably have more bundling than the packages currently
provide, but it will need a bit of work to do the classification.  I
am unlikely to want AppleII::ProDOS installed because I want

                Carey Evans  <*>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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