Hi all,

I've been putting together a few packages of Z-code stuff, following my
previous posting, and want to use a virtual package,
`zcode-interpreter'...  I'd like to put the appropriate man-page before
you all for approval.  (It describes the use of the virtual package,
among other things.)

I haven't got a master account yet, so I can't upload them, but the
packages are at <URL:ftp://pcsw104b.ukc.ac.uk/pub/cpb4/> in case anyone
wants them.


--Charles Briscoe-Smith
White pages entry, with PGP key: <URL:http://alethea.ukc.ac.uk/wp?95cpb4>
PGP public keyprint: 74 68 AB 2E 1C 60 22 94  B8 21 2D 01 DE 66 13 E2

UPDATE-ZCODE(1)         Debian GNU/Linux          UPDATE-ZCODE(1)

     update-zcode - install  or  remove  Z-code  interpreters  or
     story files

     update-zcode -add -interpreter  -type  type  command  [argu-

     update-zcode -remove -interpreter command

     update-zcode -add -storyfile storyfile gametitle

     update-zcode -remove -storyfile storyfile

     update-zcode is used to change the system's idea of what  Z-
     code  interpreters or Z-code story files are available.  The
     list of available Z-code  interpreters  is  used  by  zcode-
     interpreter(1)  to  pick  a  suitable  interpreter  for  the
     current environment.  The list of installed story  files  is
     used to generate menu entries for currently available games.

     If update-zcode is invoked with  access  permissions  suffi-
     cient  to  modify  the system-wide configuration files, then
     the modifications will be performed on a system-wide  basis.
     Otherwise,  the  modifications  will only affect the current
     user, and will update configuration files in the user's home

     If is the caller's responsibility to  call  update-menus(1L)
     where  appropriate,  to ensure that changes to the installed
     Z-code story files are correctly reflected in the menu  sys-

     -add -interpreter
          Record that a new interpreter  is  available  for  use.
          The  keyword  given  as the type argument specifies the
          environment this interpreter will  run  in;  currently,
          this  must be either x11 or text.  When the interpreter
          is invoked, the command line will be  formed  from  the
          command  and arguments, with the name of the story file
          to execute appended.

     -remove -interpreter
          Record that an interpreter is no  longer  available  on
          the  system.   The command given should be identical to
          the command (but without the arguments)  used  to  ini-
          tially record the availability of the interpreter.

     -add -storyfile
          Record  that  storyfile  is  available  for  use.   The
          gametitle  given  will be used to generate a menu entry
          for this game.

     -remove -storyfile
          Record that storyfile is no  longer  available  on  the
          system.  The storyfile given should be identical to the
          storyfile used to initially record the availability  of
          the story file.

     When an interpreter is invoked  with  a  non-absolute  story
     file  name,  it  should  search  for the file in the current
     directory, and then along the path given in the  environment
     variable  ZCODE_PATH.  (To  support  existing  interpreters,
     zcode-interpreter will place the same  path  information  in
     the  environment  variable  INFOCOM_PATH.) zcode-interpreter
     will  add  the  standard  directories   (see   the   section
     ``FILES'')  to  the  Z-code path, so it is not necessary for
     interpreters to search these in addition to ZCODE_PATH.

     Each package containing a Z-code interpreter should

     o     after installation,  call  update-zcode  -add  -inter-
          preter ...

     o     before removal, call update-zcode -remove -interpreter

     o     have the interpreter configured to  search  for  story
          files  along  ZCODE_PATH if the story file is otherwise
          not found.  (If ZCODE_PATH is not searched,  it  should
          search INFOCOM_PATH instead.)

     o     provide the virtual package zcode-interpreter, and

     o     depend on zcode-support (the  package  containing  the
          actual zcode-interpreter(1) command.)

     Each package containing a Z-code game should

     o     after installation, call update-zcode -add  -storyfile

     o     before removal, call update-zcode  -remove  -storyfile

       o     place   the   story   file    in    the    directory

     o     depend on zcode-interpreter.

          Contains per-user configuration files.

          Contains system-wide configuration files.

     /usr/lib/games/zcode/, /usr/local/lib/games/zcode/
          Standard  locations  in  which   to   place   globally-
          accessible  storyfiles.  These directories are added to
          ZCODE_PATH before it is passed to the interpreter.

     0    Configuration files were successfully updated.

     1    Errors were encountered and diagnostics output.

     2    Problems were encountered parsing the command line, and
          diagnostics output.

     If problems occur, zcode-support outputs error  messages  on
     its  standard  error  channel  and  returns  a non-zero exit
     status.  Diagnostics should be self-explanatory; if  you  do
     not find them so, please report this as a bug.

     If you find a bug, please report it using  the  Debian  bug-
     tracking  system,  or,  if  that  is not possible, email the
     author directly.

     If you find any discrepancy between the operation of  zcode-
     support  and  this  manual  page, it is a bug, either in the
     implementation or the documentation; please report it.

     Charles Briscoe-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

     The copyright notice and licence for distribution and use of
     this  program  are  contained  in  the  file /usr/doc/zcode-

     Thanks to Mark Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for testing       and  com-
     menting on an early version of the zcode-support package.

     zcode-interpreter(1),   frotz(1),    xzip(1),    infocom(1),
     inform(1),          update-menus(1L),          menufile(5L),

DEBIAN              Last change: 5 June 1997                    3

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