On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 09:28:19AM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 10:58:55PM +0300, Sergei I. Kononov wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 03 at 20:23:20 (+0100), Christoph Berg wrote:
> >  
> > > What's the difference to makejail and debootstrap?
> > 
> > 1. Created chroot enviroment use less disk space, and does not
> > include not needed files/dirs (like: passwd,
> Actually, that /is/ a needed file. Some programs look up the name of a
> user before doing stuff (or look up the UID of a username), and without
> that file they do very strange things

Surely nsswitch should be able to handle things across a chroot, providing
the relevant communication channels are available.

IMO, any program that directly accesses /etc/passwd to find a user has a

- Matt

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