
Instead of doing all this by hand I can recommend my own package
debarchiver. The latest versions of it do this pretty good in
an automatic way.

Just wanted to let you know.


// Ola

On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 02:52:29AM -0500, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> I know that there are several APT repository HOWTOs floating around out there.
> However, none were particularly useful to me when I set out to make my own
> repository.  Pretty much everyone out there focuses on the trivial repository
> format.  I wanted to do it right and have a well-structured automatic
> repository.
> Anyhow, I spent lots of time reading the not-so-great documentation for apt-
> ftparchive and the apt.conf format.  I also did lots of trial and error
> mistakes before I got it right.
> Anyhow, the HOWTO is here:
> http://familiasanchez.net/~sanchezr/?page=debrepository
> I welcome any suggestions and feedback.
> -Roberto Sanchez
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