i maintained ms-sys until the 1.1.3, i knew about 2.0 but didn't do the update. did you see some part of mbr code is
free and some not?

you probably want to talk to upstream, as i don't intend to maintain
ms-sys anymore (i don't want non-free stuff generally).

i was pointed to the package "mbr" in #debian-nonfree
and i know about free mbr code in www.freedos.org (in the kernel
source package)

good luck


Gürkan Sengün                    mail:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ETH Hönggerberg HPR E 86.1       phone: +41 1 633 6604
Departement Physik, ETH Zürich   web:   http://www.phys.ethz.ch

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